Expanding Life by Preparing for

Our Appointment with Death

Wednesday, April 26th

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CT

10:00 am – 12:00 pm MT | 9:00 am – 11:00 am PT

Find the time in your region HERE

Like it or not, death is a reality, and everyone has an appointment with death. I spent much of my early life fearfully denying death. Since that time, my grandparents and parents have all died. One can only deny reality for so long; eventually, it makes itself known.

It really wasn’t until my parents’ deaths that I decided to face death and I was beside each of my parents at the moment they died. Rather than being scary, their dying felt completely natural and the experience was transformative for me.

Since that time, I’ve led several workshops on facing death, and have found that when people do so, they tend to come more alive. This is because the fear of death steals our aliveness. Once we face death, we can relax and enjoy life.

In his book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi said something similar, “…let’s be clear from the beginning: Death is not a cosmic mistake. Woven into the warp and woof of existence, the presence of death deepens our appreciation of life…The more we embrace our mortality, not as an aberration of God and nature, but as an agent urging us to life completion, the more our anxiety transforms into feelings of awe, thanksgiving, and appreciation.” (pp. 81-82)

This workshop will offer an opportunity to begin embracing your mortality. Through talks, dialogue, introspection, and interactive exercises, you will have opportunities to face and perhaps befriend your mortality.

Closed captioning is available


Randall Krause, CSL, JD, MA -- Randall Krause is a Life Coach and author of Pathways to Self-Awareness: Contemplations on Yoga Meditation and Do-It-Yourself Meditation Manual. He previously practiced law and has an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies with an emphasis on Holistic Health. He is a senior teacher and senior mentor in the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition.


Fees on Sliding Scale:

$50 Supporter

$40 Basic

$30 Reduced

For program information or to request one of a limited number of scholarships contact:

Education Coordinator

Rosemary Cox, [email protected]

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